Art Connection International Music Training Center was born in 2023 in Chengdu, from the collaboration between mº Morris Sebastianutto, and Mr 柯 荣集 (Rongji Ke).

The mission is to train new generations of musicians by creating a bridge between Asian culture and Western culture.

From today, young Chinese musicians will have the opportunity to have direct access to degree courses in the prestigious Italian conservatories.

We work in agreement with the P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Nocera Terinese, Catanzaro (Calabria) ITALY and Art Connection FVG association.

Following nine months of lessons in the Training Center the student will be ready to pass the admission test having direct access to the Bachelor course at the partner conservatory.

艺联国际音乐中心于2023年在成都诞生,由m° Morris Sebastianutto与柯荣集先生合作。



我们与意大利卡坦扎罗(卡拉布里亚)诺切拉泰里内塞柴可夫斯基音乐学院 (https://www.conscz.it) 和 Art Connection FVG 协会 合作。


Mandatory School Subjects 学校必修科目

During the academic year the student will have to attend the following courses:

  • Italian language 
  • Music Theory 
  • Chamber music laboratory 
  • musical instrument, opera singing

The courses will be held in English or Italian. The Art Connection International Music Training Center can boast a team of top-level professors, from all over the world, who occupy senior positions in renowned orchestras and first-class university training centers.


  • 意大利语
  • 音乐理论
  • 室内乐实验室
  • 乐器、歌剧演唱


Available positions

Academic year 2023/2024 and 2024/2025

2023/2024 2024/2025 学年

小号(10人)Trumpet   (10 positions)

双簧管(8人)Oboe (8 positions)

长号(8人)Trombone   (8 positions)

巴松(8人)Bassoon (8 positions)

圆号(6人)Horn   (6 positions)

小提琴(8人)Violin (8 positions)

萨克斯(10人)Saxophone (10 positions)

中提琴(8人)Viola (8 positions)

单簧管(8人)Clarinet (8 positions)

大提琴(8人)Cello (8 positions)

长笛(8人)Flute  (8 positions)

声乐(8人)Opera Singing (8 positions)

联系我们 to contact us:

E-Mail: mindstem2023@163.com

Mobile Phone / WeChat: (+86) 13709029507

Art Connection FVG a.p.s.
Via Repubblica 17, 33040
Povoletto (Udine) – Italia
C.F. 03094290305
P. IVA 03094290305